Spider-Man, also known as Peter Parker, is one of the best fighters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as he has battled against some of the franchise's greatest villains. Though he made a brief appearance in Iron Man 2, he wasn't formally introduced until Captain America: Civil War. He also played an important role in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Spider-Man: No Way Home.There is also an untitled fourth Spider-Man movie and a prequel series, Spider-Man: Freshman Year, in the works. Throughout the franchise, there have been many great battles Peter found himself in, with these being the best.

8 He Joined The Avengers In Fighting Their Own Comrades

When the Avengers were going to fight each other at an airport in Captain America: Civil War, Iron Man welcomed Spider-Man to his team. As the heroes that signed the Sokovia Accords confronted Captain America, Tony called for Peter to take his shield. Not knowing that Ant-Man was on the shield, Peter was surprised to be kicked in the face as Scott returned the shield to Steve.

Spider-Man then chased Falcon and Winter Soldier, leaving the other heroes to deal with Ant-Man and Captain America. Spider-Man kicked Falcon away once he reached his opponents and blocked Winter Soldier's punch. As Spider-Man was easily distracted by Bucky's prosthetic arm, Falcon grabbed onto him and flew up to the ceiling, only for Peter to break free.

7 He Lost To Captain America But Beat Winter Soldier, Falcon, & Ant-Man

Civil war collage of Spider-Man and Captain America

Peter was able to take both Falcon and Winter Soldier down by using his webs to stick them to the floor. Falcon's Redwing then pushed Spider-Man away from them, causing him to fight Captain America next. Steve tried to hit Peter with his shield, but he was able to use his webs to pull Captain America towards him.

The web-slinger then kicked Captain America, making him drop his shield. The two of them fought over the shield, which Captain America eventually got back and used to drop a loading truck onto Spider-Man, ending the fight. Once Peter got the loading truck off of him, he rescued War Machine, who had been thrown across the airport by Ant-Man. The two of them returned to Scott and easily defeated him with Iron Man's help.

6 He Fought Thanos With Iron Man, Doctor Strange, & Some Of The Guardians Of The Galaxy Members


Spider-Man teamed up with Iron Man, Doctor Strange, and members of the Guardians of the Galaxy to fight Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. At the beginning of the fight on Titan, Peter shot a web into Thanos' eyes, temporarily blinding him, and used the portals that Doctor Strange cast to attack the Mad Titan from many directions.

Thanos eventually grabbed Spider-Man and threw him at Doctor Strange. Once Peter got back up, he tried to take the Infinity Gauntlet off of Thanos' hand with one of his webs.

5 Thanos Defeated The Heroes


As the heroes almost got the Infinity Gauntlet off of Thanos, Star-Lord intervened by attacking the Mad Titan upon learning that he killed Gamora. Due to the inconvenient timing, Thanos overpowered the heroes and managed to keep the Infinity Stones on him.

Thanos then summoned meteors down on Titan, leading Spider-Man to stop fighting him and protect his comrades instead. As Doctor Strange willingly gave Thanos the Time Stone, the Mad Titan left his enemies behind, ending the battle. Shortly after, he used the Infinity Stones to get rid of half of the people across the universe, including Peter.

4 He Fought Mysterio's Illusions

Mysterio in Far From Home

When Mysterio attacked London with his Elemental Fusion in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter went inside of the illusion. He used his webs to break the formation of Quentin Beck's drones, making the Elemental Fusion disappear. This infuriated Mysterio, who sent his drones to attack Spider-Man. As they crashed around him and blew up, Peter swung around, trying to avoid the explosions.

Once the web-slinger got closer to Quentin, multiple drones attacked him at once, setting him on fire. As the drones followed Peter, he used his webs to stick them onto the bridge and went into the water below to take out the flames. As the drones continued to fire at him, Peter managed to avoid the attacks and set them up to crash into the ground.

3 He Defeated Mysterio

Spider-Man defeats Mysterio in Far From Home

After taking most of the drones out, Peter was able to use a sign as a shield to block the attacks of those drones that remained. He got up to Mysterio, who called the remaining drones over to him, which he used to make Peter think he was surrounded by darkness, unable to see Quentin. Despite having to fight in the dark, Peter used his tingle to determine where the drones were as he ran past and destroyed them, making his way over to Mysterio, who had accidentally been shot by one of the drones.

He attempted to trick the web-slinger one more time, making an illusion of himself that Peter confronted. The real Mysterio tried to shoot Spider-Man with a gun while he was distracted, but Peter grabbed his arm and made him misfire. Peter ordered the drones to stop attacking London, saving his friends and many civilians' lives.

2 He Fought His Enemies From Other Universes

Electro, Sandman, and Lizard in No Way Home

In Spider-Man: No Way Home, Peter and Doctor Strange accidentally brought everyone that knew Spider-Man's identity from other universes into theirs, including some of his greatest enemies. Hoping that he could use the Stark Industries Fabricator to make an antidote to turn his enemies good, he worked with two other versions of himself to fight them.

While Electro shot lightning at one of the Spider-Men, another took care of Lizard, and Sandman grabbed onto the third. Since the Spider-Men weren't used to working as a team, they interfered in each other's fights, giving their enemies a huge advantage. The heroes managed to get away from the villains and teamed up, understanding that in order to defeat them, they'd have to work as a team.

1 The Spider-Men Used The Antidote To Make Their Enemies Good Again


The Spider-Men formed a strategy in which they teamed up against an individual opponent. They first focused on fighting Sandman, but Electro and Lizard kept pursuing them, making it difficult for all three of them to reach their target. One of the Spider-Men webbed Lizard up to temporarily keep him out of the fight and the three heroes managed to give Sandman the antidote. Shortly after, Electro almost defeated them, but Doctor Octopus, who had been cured before the fight began, approached Spider-Man and gave him the antidote as well.

Lizard was the next to be cured, as Spider-Man blocked the villain from biting him with the antidote, making it so he accidentally turned himself good. With the other villains no longer being evil, Green Goblin finally joined the fight. As he had killed MCU's Aunt May, Spider-Man hoped to avenge her and kill him instead of making him good like the other enemies he fought. However, when he attempted to execute Norman with his own glider, another Spider-Man stopped him. The three of them made sure that Green Goblin took the antidote, ending the battle.